Finance / Accountancy
Finance / Accountancy - Business Game Str@tvision Plus
Title: Finance / Accountancy / Str@tvision Plus
Date: 08 February - 03 March 2021
Info: The Virtual Finance & Accounting Project is designed to get students acquainted with start-up management through the updated version of the virtual Str @ tvision business game©.
Students participate in the business game Str@tvision Plus. The students are split up into different start-ups (groups). A set of 4 groups competes with each other and forms a market. Each enterprise has to define its objectives and make decisions to reach those objectives during several fiscal years These decisions are on a financial, accounting as well as on a commercial level. Next to the game there are tasks specifically related to accountancy topics and related to the business game.
Students and lecturers can find more information and details and the brochure .
Place: virtual, hosted by the University College Leuven-Limburg
Fee: no registration fee
More Information: Students and lecturers can find more information in this week's programme brochure.
BE UCLL Leuven Flyer Stratvision Plus 2020 2021 002 Download icon(pdf 571,993 KB)
BE UCLL Leuven brochure stratvison plus 2021 virtual Download icon(pdf 3,764 MB)