Vergleich der Umsetzung von Basel 2

Projektstart: 02.04.2007

ProjektleiterIn: Prof. (FH) Mag. Dr. Johannes Jäger

Projektstatus: abgeschlossen


Central aim of this internal project is to analyse how and why global financial regulations in the banking sector are applied in different ways in different countries and regions. These questions should be answered by analyzing the implementation of Basel II in different cases and comparing this within a broader framework. Questions which will be addressed: • When and how Basel II is implemented? What are the differences compared to the official Accord? • What are reasons for deviations from the official accord? From which economic and social sectors does / did the demand for deviations from the official Accord come from? • What are the implications of Basel II on the banking sector (e.g. differentiating large and small banks), credit lending and prizing, and other sectors of the economy (e.g. SMEs)? • To what extent the economic effects of Basel II would have been different if the original Accord had been applied? • How will banking regulation develop further? Which tendencies might be observed?

Cooperation partner:
University of Maribor Department of Finance, Faculty of Economics and Business