MBA Film, TV & Digital Media Management

The Film, TV, and Digital Media industries are reshaping at a rapid pace. Adapting to new business models, media platform convergence and changing viewing habits presents producers with a range of opportunities, as well as challenges.

Our MBA in Film, TV & Digital Media Management is designed to support you in assessing the effect of developments like emerging workflows, globalization and audience tastes on your business, projects and career. Led by experts and working alongside peers you’ll explore ways to identify new markets, extended storytelling approaches and interact with growing, profitable digital applications like games.

Degree programme content

Business Models & Finance

  • Business Models
  • Business Strategies
  • Risk Analysis and -management

Business Information & Control

  • Financial Analysis
  • Management Information
  • Control in Management

Management & Leadership

  • Human Resources Management
  • Leadership and Motivation
  • Project Development, Project Management
  • Change-, Process-Quality Management

Production Management

  • Production Management Film/TV
  • Production Risks and -coverage
  • Film/TV
  • Film and TV Financing in Europe
  • Alternative Funding Models
  • Storytelling
  • Media and IP-Law

London Production Workshop at London Southbank University 5 days, 50 units

  • Managing the Content and Contributors
  • Process of Film and Media Production
  • Hands on Production of a short Media Production


  • Convergent Evolution, Future Technologies
  • Animation & Digital Effects
  • Technological Aspects of International Media Business

London Technology Workshop at London Southbank University 5 days, 50 units

  • Technical Aspects of Film and Media Production
  • Interaction between Technology and creative Expression
  • Comprehensive View of future Technologies


  • Principles of Marketing and Sales
  • Filmmarketing and Distribution
  • Games & e-Sports
  • Future orientated Markets and Distribution Strategies

Academic research and writing

  • Master thesis


Send the completed application form (see downloads below) via email to Alena Kubicek.

The programme at a glance

Academic title

Master of Business Administration (MBA) "Film, TV & Digital Media Management"


90 ECTS on degree completion


€ 4,200,- / semester (VAT-exempt, excl. travel costs and accommodation), instalment rates possible on request.

Subsidies by the Austrian Film Institute for Austrian nationals or nationals of the EEA with a residence in Austria are possible.

Förderungen für Personen mit Hauptwohnsitz Wien

Datenbank "Kursförderungen in Österreich"

Languages of instruction


Duration of studies

3 semesters, 501 teaching units

Study periods

The courses will be offered in clusters.

Teaching units will be available at London South Bank University and at University of Applied Sciences BFI Vienna and long-distance (webinars, etc.).

Start of studies

Spring 2022

Admission requirements

A recognised university degree (at least a bachelor’s degree) and three years’ work experience in the media or a five-year leading position in the audio-visual media, a good command of English; written application, and participation in an admission interview.

