Business English 2
Themen: marketing, investment, banking, bonds, stocks and shares, accounting and financial statements, government and taxation, the business cycle. Business grammar: trends, graphs and figures, modal verbs, conditionals, reported speech, prepositions Kommunikative Fähigkeiten: talking about trends and developments, talking about finance, dealing with figures, telephoning, the uses of stocks and shares, talking about price changes, discussing different possible investments, discussing and presenting a company’s financial results, considering the role of government intervention in the economy, discussing government spending and taxation.
Art der Vermittlung
Art der Veranstaltung
Empfohlene Fachliteratur
MacKenzie, Ian. English for Business Studies. A course for Business Studies and Economics Students. Student’s Book. 3rd edition. Cambridge University Press. Emmerson, Paul. Business Grammar Builder New. Student’s Book. 2nd Edition Hueber. Individuelle Materialien der LektorInnen
Lern- und Lehrmethode
Input und Übungen, Paar- u. Gruppenarbeit, Simulationen, Case Studies
Die LV impliziert immanente Leistungsfeststellung, daher setzt sich die Endnote, basierend auf dem gesamten Stoff aus "Business English 2", wie folgt zusammen: Beurteilt werden die Qualität der von den Studierenden erledigten Arbeitsaufträge und Zielvorgaben, Hausübungen, Präsentationen, Vokabelüberprüfungen, Engagement während der Präsenzzeiten sowie eine schriftliche Prüfung am Ende der LV.
Voraussetzungen laut Lehrplan
Business English 1
Logistik und Transportmanagement (Bachelor)
Akademischer Grad
ECTS Credits
Studienjahr, in dem die Lerneinheit angeboten wird
Semester in dem die Lehrveranstaltung angeboten wird
2 SS
Lernergebnisse der Lehrveranstaltung
Nach erfolgreicher Absolvierung dieses Moduls ist die/der Studierende in der Lage, die grundlegende englische Grammatik anzuwenden und sowohl mündlich als auch schriftlich in den verschiedensten Geschäftssituationen auf Englisch zu kommunizieren. Official learning outcomes module English 1 (semesters 1 & 2): By the end of this module, students can • understand and are competent to use • the English tenses (active and passive); • auxiliary, full and modal verbs; • multi-word verbs • gerund and infinitive constructions; • countable and uncountable nouns; • adjectives and adverbs; • adverbs of degree • statements, questions and negations; • conditional sentences; • reported speech; • the articles; • relative clauses; • noun combinations; • prefixes • prepositions • linking words and phrases; If non-native, students have acquired an easy-to-understand international English accent. Moreover, students can • differentiate between British and American English in spelling, pronunciation and vocabulary. • describe trends, graphs, charts, and tables using appropriate structures also for figures and currencies. • can write formal and informal business letters/emails • make travel, meeting, conference, hotel or similar arrangements • inquire about a product or service • respond to an inquiry • complain about a product or service • respond to a complaint • apply for a job • can read authentic business-related texts or watch business-related news coverage and summarize them in their own words, answer questions about them and discuss the main points • make telephone arrangements or obtain and give information on the phone • socialize / do small talk / network • use basic skills and language for presentations, meetings and negotiations • agree and disagree politely • listen actively • ask and answer difficult questions
Kennzahl der Lehrveranstaltung