Applied Research in Asset and Risk Management - Advanced Topics in Asset Management

FH bfi Vienna in cooperation with a local industry partner will offer the course intensive format lasting two weeks. The course will start with an introduction to the required theoretical background in applied asset management and intercultural learning topics such as cross cultural training, intercultural stimulation, and how to work in international teams. This introduction will be given by the local academic lecturer(s). The theory of intercultural management is applied in practice by forming international groups. Then, an introduction to the business case on applied asset management will be given, supplied by the representative of the local industry partner. Additional coaching will also be provided by the local industry representative together with the lecturer either at the university or during a company visit.

Art der Vermittlung


Art der Veranstaltung


Empfohlene Fachliteratur

Elton, E., Gruber, M., Brown, S., Goetzmann, W., Modern Portfolio Theory and Investment Analysis, 8th edition, John Wiley & Sons, 2011 Reilly, F., Brown, K., Analysis of Investments & Management of Portfolios 10th international edition, South-Western, 2012 Relevant directives and standards (MiFId, GIPS, PPS, etc.)

Lern- und Lehrmethode

Case Study: This course will be taught as a combination of lectures, additional reading materials, class discussions, group work and an in-depth case study on a realistic business problem with a asset management focus.


Students are assessed based on the quality of their group work, their clarity of speech and ideas and quality of argument, The assessment methods consist of a written examination (25%) for the offsite individual preparation (based on pre-assigned required readings), a case study report (50%) and its presentation (25%). Exact details of the assessment method will be described in the course syllabus which will be made available to the students at least one month before the start of the module.

Voraussetzungen laut Lehrplan

successful completion of the preceeding semesters



Quantitative Asset and Risk Management (Master)

Akademischer Grad


ECTS Credits






Studienjahr, in dem die Lerneinheit angeboten wird


Semester in dem die Lehrveranstaltung angeboten wird

4 SS



Lernergebnisse der Lehrveranstaltung

Graduates are able to: • Apply academic knowledge in a practical asset management context for a specific company in the finance industry; • Combine assets into an appropriate portfolio; • Conduct the elements of the portfolio management process (analysis, forecasting, selection and performance and attribution analysis) for a portfolio of assets; • Understand and follow the relevant regulatory and ethical principles within the scope of asset management and know about their social and ethical implications; • Understand the fiscal regulations and their implications for private and institutional investors; • Prepare a set of solutions to an asset management case study Graduates prepare a set of solutions to an asset management case study appropriate for a global audience. This includes the ability to explain complex issues and to evaluate different options for action to facilitate executive level decision-making. • Because they work in international teams they are able to manage intercultural (communication) problems. • Graduates will use industry-specific user software to collect, analyse and present financial data.

Kennzahl der Lehrveranstaltung
